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The Need

Upon returning to the US after adopting children in Africa, having seen the effects of poverty first hand, we partnered with one rural village, to provide the support they needed most - a nursery and elementary school with hot lunch.

Life in The Village

Most Families live on less than $3 per day as subsistence farmers. The village lacks running water, electricity and health care. Many of the children cannot afford school fees and those that do are often still illiterate at 12 years old. Most have malaria and many have intestinal parasites from contaminated drinking water. 5% of children do not live to 5.

Family Preservation

Poverty leads some to desperate decisions when parents cannot afford to feed their children. Some parents put their children in orphanages to ensure their survival, but they are overcrowded with little chance for adoption. Or, believing their children will be fed and educated, parents naively give their children into slavery which drives the fishing industry in the Volta region.

Building the School

The Village donated land and construction began in May of 2013. In a remote village, it was a manually intensive process. When completed it was a five room school house with electricity, latrine, well, new water collection system and a small house for teachers. Over time it would grow further.
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We've Successfully Set Up Jack Academy..... Let's Keep It Running!